

Have you ever been to the world's end?




田卫 Tian Wei



Born in 1973, now works and lives in Beijing.Contrary to popular concept art, Tian wei attempts to eliminate the wisdom and explicit ideas off artistic creation, but illustrates the contemporary meaning of art by “action”. Perhaps, this is a purification of the modern people's anxieties using painting as an “action”. The glimmering line and dot in the picture are like the origin of life and spirit.

Tian has held solo exhibitions in Today Art Museum, Beijing; Tokyo Gallery, Beijing; Zhu Qizhan Art Museum, Shanghai. His works have been exhibited in The National Art Museum, Beijing Minsheng Modern Art Museum, Shanghai Ai Doland Museum of Modern art, Sichuan Art Museum, Shanxi Art Museum and Xi 'an Art Museum.

个展  Solo Exhibition

2017.06 动静之间·田卫个展(北京798艺术区东京画廊)
2016.11 胡勤武、田卫双个展(杭州梵耘艺术空间)
2015.04 境象灵光·桑火尧、田卫双个展(上海玉衡艺术中心)
2014.11 心念的灵光·田卫水墨作品展(上海朱屺瞻艺术馆)
2014.09 心念的灵光·田卫水墨作品展(北京今日美术馆)
2012.10 因退返果·田卫当代水墨艺术展(北京798艺术区熙丰视觉空间)
2011.05 精神的累积·田卫当代艺术展(广州风眠艺术园)
2011.02 清水留痕·田卫当代水墨艺术展(北京49画廊)

2017.06 Between Motion and Stagnation, Tianwei solo Exhibition (Tokyo Gallery+BTAP, Beijing)
2016.11 Hqinwu & Tianwei Double Solo Exhibition (Van Art Space, Hangzhou)
2015.04 Cosmic Sprit, Spritual light, Sang Huoyao & Tian Wei Double Solo Exhibition (Alioth Art Center, Shanghai)
2014.11 Spiritual light, Tian Wei Ink Painting Exhibition (Zhu Qizhan Art Museum, Shanghai)
2014.09 Spiritual light, Tian Wei Ink Painting Exhibition (Today Art Museum, Beijing)
2012.10 Retrospect brings one to the origin, Tai Wei Ink Painting Exhibition(Xifeng Visual Art Space, Beijing)
2011.05 Tian Wei, The Accumulation of Spirit (Fengmian Art Space, Guangzhou)
2011.02 Traces of Water - Art Exhibition of Contemporary Ink Tian Wei(Gallery49, Beijing

群展 Group Exhibition

2017.08 开放的天空(杭州人可艺术中心)
2017.06 天外天·国际当代艺术展(深圳e当代美术馆)
2017.05 水墨中国·叙事中国(香港会议展览中心)
2017.05 视界·艺术展(四川省美术馆)
2017.01 天外天·国际当代艺术展(海南三亚当代艺术馆)
2016.06 中国当代水墨年鉴展(北京今日美术馆)
2014.03 大象无形·当代中国抽象艺术邀请展(北京今日美术馆)
2013.09 文脉当代·2013中国批评家年度提名展(西安美术馆)

2017.08 Open Sky (Renke Art Gallery, Hangzhou)
2017.06 Beyond the Sea:International Contemporary Art Exhibition (e museum of Contemporary Art)
2017.05 Chinese Ink Painting and the Narrative of China(Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center)
2017.05 Vision- Group Exhibition (Sichuan Art Museum, Chengdu)
2017.01 Heaven Beyond the Sea International Contemporary Art Exhibition (SanYa Museum of Modern Art, Hainan)
2016.06 Annual Review Exhibition of China Contemporary Ink Painting (Today Art Museum, Beijing)
2014.03 Image Invisible, Chinese Contemporary Abstract Art Invitation Exhibition (Today Art Museum, Beijing)
2013.09 Context of Contemporary Art-2013 China Critics Nominated Exhibition (Xian Art Museum, Xian)

代表作品 Representative Works

纸本水墨,358 x 139cm,2012
Tian Wei  Shangao
Ink on Paper,358 x 139cm,2012

纸本水墨,672 x 178cm,2014
Tian Wei  Shu
Ink on Paper, 672 x 178cm, 2014

Tian Wei Xuyu No.2
Ink on Paper, 136×49cm, 2017 

Tian Wei  Xuyu No.4
Ink on Paper, 178×70cm, 2017 

Tian Wei Sixu No.9
Ink on Paper, 95×88cm, 2017

Tian Wei  Shuer No.2
Ink on Paper, 136×49cm, 2014




The creation of Chinese character of "光(light) " is very interesting. ln oracle bone script, it is a combination o ''fire (on the top)" and " people (at the bottom)" . Nowadays, western science has found out that there is light in human beings; head is the brightest part. Our ancestors created characters by imitating the image they represent, so interestingly, the character "light” can be interpreted as follows, there is light as bright as the fire in the head of human beings. More interesting is "momentary recovery of consciousness just before death” is proved by German scholars: the light within people is hundreds of times brighter just before death. According to the Book of Living and Dying of Vajrayana, there are two lights that would bring about relief. Many scientific experiments conducted at the time of impending death have proved the light does exist. So only the understanding and naming of it are different. Light impressed people with its good and warmth. ln religion, light indicates the access to relief. Both Buddhist and Taoist classics record various lights, like Huiguang light (light of wisdom), Changuang light (moonlight), Zhenguang light (light of truth), and Xingguang light (light of nature). l am attracted every time l come across them in reading.  

Time for me is a purifying instrument. My heart has been washed time and again for a long time. When conceited contrivance was washed away, hidden light showed up. Vague as it is, the light is dynamic and promising, which leads my way through dark past and future to the original point of life and spirit.

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